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Why I Will Not Be Watching the Debates

From today's George Will column in the Washington Post:

Presidential debates are to real debates as processed cheese is to cheese. They are preceded by elaborate negotiations to prevent the unseemly outbreak of anything debate-like, such as a sustained development or critique of arguments.

So rather than watch them, my task list for tomorrow includes:
  • Drafting an order to show cause and affidavit (mock)
  • Catching up on property notes
  • Going to a callback interview
  • Attending a 3-hour clinic lesson
  • Checking out info on a pro-bono information session
  • Getting ready to fly to DC the next morning
  • Going to a wine-tasting

No, no debate for me. You know how everyone says that 2L year is busy? I'm beginning to agree...


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Why I Will Not Be Watching the Debates:

» Weekly Law School Roundup #29 from Notes from the (Legal) Underground
This Week: The First Presidential Debate, In Which Your Editor Hunts Down Law-School Punditry from Weblogs Across the Land, Then Excerpts It Here For Your Enjoyment So Who Won? The Irish Trojan "The impact? Kerry has to gain, I think. [Read More]


It's good you missed it. Bush ended up looking pretty stupid (and uncomfortable).
OK, if someone logs on to here as "George Bush" and says something nasty about Kerry, I'm shutting the comments down on this entry. :)
I _cannot_ disagree more with your choice. There is _no_ justification for doing work for Property. TtP
Ya know, I find the debates to be fascinating. i've been watching Bush ever since he was debating Ann Richards back in the day, and it still gives me heartburn. Now I just drink more wine to dull the pain. However, it is the greatest reality TV show out there. After all, these two guys go toe to toe (or toe to ten feet to toe) and then at the end of it, we the consumers get to vote!! We should be very well trained on this one by now. For some very funny mocking of the 32 pages of debate rules, go here: http://www.nola.com/living/t-p/index.ssf?/base/living-3/1096955729125360.xml

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